The Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission has notified that the corrections, if required, can be carried out on the applications submitted for the participation in the TNPSC Group-4 Written Examinations from today (Monday, 4th March) until the 6th of March (Wednesday).
The Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission undertakes the responsibility for the appointments for the various vacancies in the different departments of the Tamil Nadu State Government.
On this respect, the Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission released the advertisement for filling up the various 6244 vacancies in different departments of the State Government of Tamil Nadu including the posts of Village Administrative Officer, Forest Security Officer, Junior Assistants, and Typists in the category of Group-4 in January 2024.
The Online applications were received for the above posts from the 30th of January until the 28th of February.
In this situation, time has now been given by the Tamil nadu Public Service Commission to the applicants to carry out any corrections on the submitted applications from today (Monday, 4th March) until the 6th of March.
As such, the candidates/applicants can carry out the corrections by visiting the website. AT THE SAME TIME, PLEASE NOTE CAREFULLY THAT NO FRESH APPLICATIONS CAN BE SUBMITTED.
The written examination for the vacant Group-4 Posts is scheduled to tbe conducted from 9.30 Am until 12.30 PM on the 9th of June.
The question papers will contain 200 questions - 100 for Tamil Qualification and 100 for General Knowledge for a total of 300 marks.
In this regard, TNPSC has notified that only if the candidates score above 40% on the Tamil Qualification Examination, the marks scored in other question papers will be taken for consideration.