The Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) released the timetable for the Public Examinations for the students of the 10th & 12th (+2) Standards. for the year 2023 yesterday (Thursday, 29th December),
The Public Examinations for both the 10th & 12th Standards are scheduled to commence on 15th February 2023. The 10th Standard Public Examinations are scheduled to conclude on 21st March. 12th Standard Public Examinations are scheduled to conclude on 5th April.
The examinations are scheduled to start at 10.30 AM and conclude at 1.30 PM.
For further information, please the official website of CBSE – www.cbse.nic.in
Earlier, CBSE had declared that the examinations were to start on 2nd January! Now, it is changed as above.
CBSE has further instructed that all practical examinations, correction of answer sheets and internal evaluations MUST BE COMPLETED BEFORE 14TH FEBRUARY.