Have you put on weight and found it difficult to get rid of the weight?
Having excess weight is a cause for concern. Having excess weight could lead to health problems such as obesity, diabetes, hypertension and heart based issues and others etc. Many of us try various ways to get rid of our excess weight. It is a well known fact. It is important that we must know the exact reason for our weight gain. Sometimes, even after consuming a healthy diet and doing exercises regularly etc, there are some people who put on weight. There are weird or stage reasons for our weight gain.
Various strange reasons for weight gain are
Air pollution:
It is noteworthy that by breathing polluted air we could put on weight. Truth is that exposure to high levels of pollution could interfere with the body`s ability to burn calories. It has been brought to light in the journal Children in 2021 that air pollutants can be correlated with the risk of childhood obesity.
Being too clean:
Not many would associate cleanliness with weight gain. But it might be true also as being too clean could result in an increase in weight. It was revealed that overuse of antibacterial products and excessive cleaning could disrupt the good bacteria balance in the gut. This would make us gain weight.
Skipping meals etc:
To reduce weight, many of us skip meals. Bitter truth is that skipping meals could lead to weight gain also. It must be taken into account that when we skip our meals then our body would enter a state of starvation and would hold on to fat as a survival mechanism. This could lead to overeating and weight gain etc.
Frequent exposure to artificial light:
Point is that people who spend a lot of time in front of screens or fluorescent lights etc would gain weight. It is believed that the blue light from smart phones, TV, computers etc particularly in the late evenings would affect sleep quality and would make us put on weight.
Certain types of gut bacteria:
Truth is that some strains of bacteria in the gut would absorb more calories from food. Persons with more of these types of gut bacteria would put on weight easily even if they eat the same amount of food when compared to persons with fewer of these types of gut bacteria.
Dehydration can also make a person gain weight. Bitter fact is that dehydration could be mistaken for hunger and due to this people would consume more food. This would make them gain weight.
Medicine side effects:
Medicines like antidepressants, beta blockers etc could lead to weight gain as a side effect. It must be noted that these medicines would increase our appetite and lead to gradual weight gain.
Social media stress:
It is believed that constant exposure to social media could lead to anxiety, stress and low self esteem etc. These three factors are associated with weight gain.