The winter season has gone and soon we could face the peak summer season.

We could get darkened skin or skin tan after exposing our skin to the ultraviolet radiation from the sun and in some cases there are chances of getting skin cancer also. Skin tanning can be a really serious issue. Bitter fact is that the sun could provide us the natural source of vitamin D but the harmful rays could also tan our skin. There are some high quality products available in the market that could be used on the skin to avoid skin tan. Not many of us would know about home based remedies that are also available to avoid skin tan.

Why do our skin tans when exposed to sunlight?

The outermost layer of our skin is called epidermis and this epidermis experiences skin tanning. The melanocytes are present in 5 percent of epidermis. Point is that when exposed to UV light from the sun, the epidermis melanin is produced and the skin gets darkened. A defensive range over the UV rays is created. This darkened area on the skin is termed as tanning.

Various home based remedies to remove sun tan from the skin are

By using aloe vera:

The tan present on the skin would get lightened when we apply aloe vera. Here, aloe vera gel is applied on the affected portion on the skin and left overnight. Next morning, it is necessary to wash the portion with cold water. Repeatedly doing this activity would remove skin tan.

By using lemon and honey combo:

It must be noted that honey moisturises and prevents excess dryness whereas the citric acid in the lemons would lighten the skin. In the first step, we must take lemon juice and mix it with honey on the tanned portion of the skin. It is allowed to stand for 20 minutes and finally the skin must be washed well with lukewarm water. Doing this procedure 4 times a week would give superb results.

By using cucumber:

Cucumber is well known for its cooling effect. It would cool down the skin when used on the skin. In the first step, cucumber must be taken and juice must be squeezed out. It is then applied to the affected portion on the skin with cotton balls. For 20 minutes, the process must be done. The tan on the skin would become light.

By using yoghurt and turmeric combo:

It is known that the lactic acid present in the yoghurt would brighten and exfoliate the skin. The skin irritation would get soothes byby means of turmeric. Here, half a teaspoon of turmeric is added to 2 tablespoons of yoghurt and they mixed gently. In the next step, the combination is applied on the tanned portion of the skin. Finally, after 20minutes, the skin is rinsed off using cold water. For better results, this process must be done three times per week.

By using tomato pulp:

The lycopene present in the tomatoes would lessen the tanning present on the skin.. Here, the tomato is ground and the pulp is used on the tanned portion on the skin. After 20minutes, the portion must be washed well with cold water.

By using potato:

The tanned or dark coloured areas on the skin would become bright or lighten by using potatoes that are rich in catecholase. In the first step, the juice from raw potato must be obtained. Then, the juice must be applied on the tanned portion on the skin. The juice from the potato must be left to stand for about half an hour. Repeatedly doing this would remove the skin tan from the skin.

By using milk and rice flour combo:

It must be taken into account that rice flour is a good skin exfoliator and milk would lighten and soften the skin. By using the combination of milk and rice four on the affected area on the skin for 15 minutes, skin tanning would be removed. 

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