The presence of high amounts of cholesterol in us is indicated by the appearance of yellow coloured eruptions or growths (called as Xanthelasmas) on the eyelids. It is known to us that high amounts of cholesterol can lead to health issues like heart attacks, strokes etc. So, please do not ignore if you observe yellow coloured growth on your eyelids especially on the upper eye lid.
Though xanthelasmas can occur in all persons of all age groups, it is most common in elderly persons or middle aged persons etc. It must be noted that persons with diabetes, liver issues and thyroid etc could get xanthelasmas more when compared to others.
Importance of Xanthelasmas:
It is noteworthy that xanthelasmas are not dangerous but they would indicate that the cholesterol levels in the persons have gone out of balance. There are more chances of developing plaques in the arteries if the cholesterol levels are high. This could further lead to issues like heart disease, strokes and cardiovascular disease etc. The appearance of yellow coloured growths on the eyelids could sign the need to make changes in the diet and lifestyle etc.
According to a famous dietician, there is one simple effective home remedy to treat high cholesterol levels in us. The dietician has shed light on this.
Truth is that by drinking cholesterol reducing tea it would be possible to treat high cholesterol levels at home.
Various ingredients that are needed to prepare this tea are methi seeds, fresh ginger, turmeric, green cardamom, and cinnamon.
Benefits of methi seeds:
Consuming methi seeds would improve our lipid profile. The absorption of cholesterol in the intestine could be avoided by the presence of soluble fibres in methi seeds.
Benefits of fresh ginger:
Consuming fresh ginger would lower our bad cholesterol levels and this would boost our heart health. Lipid health would be better due to the anti-inflammatory properties of ginger.
Benefits of Turmeric:
Cholesterol levels in us would be lowered by intake of turmeric containing cucurmin. Our heart health would become better. Inflammation that is responsible for cardiovascular diseases and turmeric intake would lower the inflammation.
Benefits of green cardamom:
The cholesterol metabolism would be improved by consuming green cardamom having antioxidant properties. Bad cholesterol would get lowered and lipid health would be promoted.
Benefits of cinnamon:
Intake of cinnamon would lower the cholesterol levels in us. Triglycerides would get lowered and cholesterol metabolism would be improved. This would lower the risk of getting heart diseases etc.
How to prepare the above said combination tea:
In the first step, we must add the nutrients like methi seeds, fresh ginger, turmeric, green cardamom and cinnamon to a small pot containing water.
In the second step, the above said ingredient combination must be boiled for a few minutes and the nutrients must infuse properly into the water. In the third step, the tea must be strained and consumed on an empty stomach.