The Director of the College Education Board, M. Eswaramurthy, has sent a circular to all the Zonal Directors! The details:
The written Examinations for the posts of Science Assistants in the Indian Climate Research Centre will be conducted for 3 days from 14th to 16th December on behalf of the Central Government Staff Selection Commission.
To facilitate the college students to participate in the above-written examination, NO EXAMINATIONS MUST BE CONDUCTED ON THE ABOVE DATES (14TH DECEMBER TO 16TH DECEMBER) FOR THE GRADUATE & POST-GRADUATE COURSES!
In this regard, the government MUST send suitable orders not to conduct any examinations in the above period to the principals of the Government, Funded, and private colleges!”
Anna University Semester Examinations, which were postponed due to cyclone Mandous, will now be conducted as follows:
The examination scheduled originally for 9th December will now be conducted on 24th December.
Examinations which were scheduled on 10th December will now be conducted on 31st December!