The placement cells in all the educational institutions have been revamped now by the TN government. The main objective behind this was to help the students studying in both govt as well as govt aided colleges in the state to get more job offers or placements.
The superb piece of information is that the placement cells would also strive to ensure 100% job opportunities for the students studying in the engineering, arts, sciences and polytechnic colleges in TN. Currently across TN, there are more than 30 govt and govt aided engineering colleges and more than 50 state owned Arts and Sciences colleges plus 80 polytechnic institutions etc.
It was revealed by a senior officer from the Higher education dept that each placement cell would be heard by a professor who would be trained specifically to handle the placement activities. The professors would also try their best to attract various companies to the educational institutions and conduct job fairs on the campus.
The placement officers would also be providing training to the students regarding facing interviews plus meeting company HRs expectations etc as framed by the Anna University. This was explained by the senior officer. It is learnt that the cell incharge would play their role in ensuring the contact details of the placement officers in all the department brochures to have a single point contact.
The details of each student like data on SSLC, HSC performances and semester wise performances etc would be collected by the authorities and provided to the companies when the interview takes place. To get a clear picture of the company and the job profile etc, the placement cell of each institution would ask the students to visit the organisation portal before attending the pre-placement talk. The students appearing for the interview would also be given tips by the placement officer regarding their dressing etc.