The free coaching classes for the Government and the government-aided school students to prepare and participate in the competitive medical course admission test NET (National Entrance-cum-Eligibility Test) is scheduled to commence on 26th November.
A pass in the NEET is mandatory to join the graduate Medical Courses of MBBS & BDS. A development has arisen where only those who score higher marks will get admission to government medical Colleges!
The students studying in the private sector schools attend special training/coaching classes and pass NEET! However, there were no opportunities for Government School Students with mostly lower economic classes to attend coaching classes. To counter this, the State Government of Tamil Nadu had taken the initiative to offer free coaching classes for attempting NEET for the students of the government and government-aided schools.
Due to the coronavirus pandemic, over the last 2 years, these free coaching classes for NEET were conducted ONLINE!
The Department of School Education of the State Government of Tamil Nadu has decided this year to conduct the coaching classes directly!
Over the last few days, arrangements were being made to organize these free coaching classes for NEET for the government and government-aided school students in each district!
Under the Primary Education Officers in Tamil Nadu, 414 coaching centres have been set up 1 for each local union.
70 students (boys and girls) will be admitted to each centre!
As per this, 29000 students (of government and government-aided) schools) will be coached free for this year`s NEET. 20 students from +1 and 50 students from +2 are admitted to each coaching centre!
This free coaching class for NEET for this academic year is scheduled to commence on 26th November (Saturday). The introductory classes for the coaching have been completed already!
This coaching is given as per the desire of the students studying in the government and government-aided schools!