When many of us don`t even think twice before wasting the food, there are many who do not eat morning meals or breakfast also !!
Now, the corporation school students of class 1 to 5 have been eating morning meals for the last few months thanks to the CM of Tamil Nadu,Mr. MK. Stalin`s huge efforts. It must be noted that the parents of the students studying in the corporation schools are daily wage labourers, auto drivers and maids etc. They try very hard to make both ends meet. The teachers have mentioned that if the students do not come to the school then they wont even get their morning breakfast. This would lead to some learning difficulties in the kids. Information is that this scheme covers just 10% that is 114095 of the target students of 2lakhs.
In a phased manner, the morning meals scheme would be extended to all the schools. The quality of the scheme is being monitored by the chief minister and by a few senior ministers.
Various improvements the Tamil Nadu govt could carry out before expanding the scheme would be employing exclusive staffs to cater for the students, by adding side dishes, by building more kitchens and by improving the transport mechanisms to cater to the remote places across the districts in Tamil Nadu.
At present, this morning meals scheme has been implemented in just 36 schools present in north chennai. Point is that there are more than 150 schools that are yet to benefit from this scheme. By April, the scheme would be extended and this was according to the minister for social welfare and women empowerment, P. Geetha Jeevan.
It was pointed out by Mr. DS. Sivasamy, former additional director of municipal administration department that if all the students do not get benefits then it would be just a half hearted measure.