From the bark of cinnamomum trees is derived fragrant spice and this is cinnamon. Mostly, cinnamon or lavangapattai (in Tamil) is used in preparing foods is known. Not many would know that cinnamon would be really superb for the health of women. It is worth mentioning here that cinnamon has anti-inflammatory properties, antioxidant properties and antimicrobial properties in it.
A woman can get many health benefits by consuming cinnamon. The benefits are
Regulates menstrual cycles:
A woman could get irregular periods and PCOS etc if she has hormonal imbalance. Menstrual regularity would get better by enhancing insulin sensitivity and plays a role in hormonal regulation. As per a study it was found that cinnamom helped women with PCOS to have consistent menstrual cycles.
Supports reproductive health:
Blood circulation in the pelvic region of women would get boosted by the intake of cinnamon. This would improve the uterine health of women. By this, painful menstrual cramps and endometriosis related discomfort etc can be reduced. Oxidative stress in the reproductive system would be reduced by consuming cinnamon and this would make the fertility better.
Manages blood sugar levels:
There are some women who suffer from gestational diabetes during pregnancy or type 2diabetes later on. The cinnamaldehyde present in the cinnamon would enhance insulin function and regulate blood sugar levels. Fasting blood sugar levels would be reduced by intake of 1 to 6gms of cinnamon per day. This was brought out by a research study.
Promotes heart health:
One of the leading reasons for death in women is heart issues or cardiovascular diseases. It is learnt that intake of cinnamon would lower triglyceride, lower cholesterol levels and regulate blood pressure. It was revealed by 2021meta analysis published in Phytotherapy Research that bad cholesterol levels or LDL would decrease and good cholesterol levels or HDL would be increased. This would improve or boost heart health in women.
Helps in weight management:
It is true that women who are trying to maintain healthy body weight must consume cinnamon. Intake of cinnamon would boost metabolism, enhance fat burning, cravings for sugary and processed foods would be reduced. Sudden blood sugar spikes would be prevented.
Fights inflammation and boosts immunity:
Bitter fact is women are more prone to autoimmune disorders and chronic conditions like arthritis and lupus etc. The presence of anti-inflammatory compounds in cinnamon would reduce joint pain and prevent damage to the cells. Women could get protection against infections etc due to the antimicrobial properties of cinnamon. By this, immunity would get boosted.
Improves skin and hair health:
The skin health of women could get better by intake of cinnamon having antifungal properties. Issues such as acnes, rashes etc could be fought well. Intake of cinnamon would help in blood circulation and would stimulate hair growth etc. Hair follicles would get superb strength and this would reduce the hair fall in women.
Improves mood and brain functions etc:
Neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer`s and Parkinson etc could be avoided when a woman consumes cinnamon. It is believed that the cinnamon intake would lower oxidative stress in the brain and this would lower the chances of above said diseases. It is superb to mention here that the aroma of cinnamon would lead to low stress levels and improved concentration etc in women. Mood would get better.