When others are feeling normal and comfortable, do you shiver in the cold?
It is worth noting that while there are some people who naturally would be able to tolerate the cold weather, others feel chilly even in warmer environments. Strange but true!!
There are certain reasons that would make us feel cold always and these are
Poor blood circulation:
Point is that to keep us warm our body would depend on good blood circulation. Poor blood circulation would make our hands and feet colder. Poor blood circulation in us could be due to Raynard`s disease or due to underlying heart issues. This would make our body to distribute heat properly. It must be taken into note that just sitting at one place for a long time would reduce blood flow and make our extremities cold.
For carrying oxygen through the blood, iron is important. It is noteworthy that as per a study published in 1996 anaemia plays a role in iron deficiency person incapacity to control body temperature during cold stress. Our body would struggle to generate enough warmth if we have iron deficiency anaemia. By this, we could feel cold even when the temperature is normal. Those who have anaemia would have pale skin, fatigue and dizziness etc. These people must eat foods like spinach, lentils etc.
Thyroid issues:
Our metabolism as well as body temperature would get regulated by thyroid or a small gland located in the neck. Underactive thyroid or hypothyroidism would produce less heat and would always make us feel cold. Persons would also show symptoms like weight increase, dry skin, sluggishness etc also.
Not having enough body fat:
Our body would be kept nice and warm due to the presence of fat. It has been brought out by a study that fat persons would shiver less and would show smaller decline in their body temperature when compared to thin persons. Those who are underweight always feel cold. It would be good to eat well balanced food with healthy fats and proteins. This would regulate our body temperature.
Many of us do not know the importance of staying hydrated. It is true that hydration would regulate the body temperature. Both blood circulation as well as heat distribution would be maintained by water. When we are dehydrated, our body would find it difficult to produce warmth and we could always feel cold.
Poor or lack of sleep:
When a person has sound sleep, the body repairs and regulates itself. Bitter fact is that poor or lack of sleep could slow down the metabolism and would result in a cold feel always. It is essential to sleep for atleast 6 hours during the night.
Peripheral artery disease or PAD:
In some persons, the narrowed blood vessel would reduce the flow of blood to the limbs. This is termed as peripheral artery disease or PAD. It must be noted that persons with this issue could feel cold always.