We all know that by consuming excess sugars we could get diabetes. Does anyone know that excess intake of salt could also lead to diabetes? Surprising, but true!!
Many these days have been affected by growing health concerns about diabetes. Those with diabetes condition would show few symptoms like weight loss, frequent urination, and fatigue etc is a well known fact. It has been brought to light by a recent research study that every day ingredient salt could lead to diabetes in us.
New Orleans based Tulane University has conducted a research study and according to that intake of salt or excess sodium could lead to the development of type-2 diabetes. The research study was conducted on 400000 adults for 11.8 years. It was brought out that every day for meals people `sometimes` or `usually` or `always` added salt and they have 13%, 20% and 39% respectively likelihood of getting diabetes when compared to those persons who `never` or `rarely` used salt.
According to the American Diabetes Association those with diabetes must limit their sodium intake to 2300mg per day.
How intake of salt would affect diabetes:
When intake of salt becomes more, then risk of hypertension would also become more. It must be noted that many diabetic persons struggle with hypertension. This would make the already existing condition worse and managing would become difficult.
Heart strain:
When there is increased sodium, then there would be higher blood volume circulating. This would put extra strain on the heart plus on the blood vessels. Bitter fact is that this would be risky for those with diabetes as they would be at higher chance of getting heart based ailments in them.
Kidney issues:
It is known that the kidney functions in diabetics would be reduced and by intake of salt then the decline in the function of the kidney would get accelerated. It could even lead to diabetic kidney disease.
Weight management etc:
The diets that are rich in salt content when consumed would lead to weight gain. This is due to the reason that salt content foods would have high calories. This would indirectly influence blood sugar regulation.
Important note:
Diet plays a crucial role in avoiding and managing type- 2 diabetes. Therefore, it is necessary to o eat whole foods like fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean meats etc.