If you consume excess salt every day, then you could be in trouble!!
These days, people from every nook and corners of the world are getting affected by non-communicable diseases or NCD such as heart attacks, strokes, kidney diseases etc and are finding it difficult in their lives.
Have you thought about what could be the reason for this?
Bitter truth is that these days many consume processed foods containing large amounts of sodium in them. This would increase the blood pressure in us and would slowly result in many health issues in us. It has been revealed that non-communicable diseases are responsible for a large number of deaths across the world now. In this scenario, it is highly necessary that we must make some dietary changes and consume less sodium. By this, we might be able to avoid the non-communicable diseases in us.
How does sodium intake in excess amounts lead to NCD?
It is worthy to note here that excess intake of sodium through processed foods etc would cause hypertension and this is an important risk factor for NCDs. When we limit our sodium intake or avoid sodium totally, it would be possible for us to maintain our kidneys in good health.
Various ways by which reduced or low sodium consumption can reduce the risk of NCD are
Supports health blood pressure in us:
When we consume sodium in excess amounts, then it could lead to fluid retention in us. Our BP would get increased. It is possible to maintain healthier BP levels in us by lowering the intake of sodium. By this, we would be able to avoid NCD in us.
Promotes heart health:
Point is that low sodium intake could lower our blood pressure and this would lower the strain on the heart. This would prevent complications such as heart failure, CAD etc.
Lowers kidney diseases risk:
When we consume sodium in excess quantities, then our kidneys would have to work harder to remove additional salt. Burden on the kidneys would get eased by reducing sodium intake. This would help in maintaining kidney health and help us to avoid or reduce kidney diseases etc.
Reduces strokes risk:
The risk of getting strokes would get lowered when we consume low sodium. This would lower our BP. ItIt must be noted that high BP is one of the reasons for getting strokes. Please take care.
Vascular function gets improved:
We could get stiffening of blood vessels when we consume high amounts of sodium. Vascular flexibility would get improved by lowering the intake of salt. By this, we would have healthy circulation of blood. Chances of getting NCDs would also decrease.
Good for brain health:
The blood vessels present in our brain would get damaged by elevated BP through excess intake of sodium. This might lead to a decrease in cognitive ability also. By reducing sodium intake, it is possible to maintain brain health over time or reduce cognitive decline.
Helps in balance of the fluids:
The balance in the body fluids would get disrupted by excess intake of sodium. This can lead to issues like oedema and bloating etc in us. Fact is that low intake of sodium could help us to maintain healthier fluid balance in us and this would lower the chances of getting NCD also. So, please take care.