These days, a pink or green coloured leafed vegetable has been consumed by many of us. This is kale and they belong to the cabbage family or cruciferous vegetables family.
Kale has many nutrients like vitamins like A, C, K, plus minerals like calcium, magnesium, bioflavin and fibre content etc in them and consuming this kale would make us healthy. It is worthy to note that raw kale is slightly bitter with peppery flavour but when simmered for long the bitter taste would transform into a sweetish taste. Being highly versatile in nature, kale is commonly found in salads, soups, smoothies etc.
There are many health benefits of eating kale like improved heart health, better bone health, less chances of getting macular degeneration etc.
Consuming kale in excess is not advisable as it can lead to few health issues in us.
Side effects of consuming excess amounts of kale are
Digestive issues:
For some individuals, excess intake of kale could lead to digestive issues like gas, bloating etc. it must be noted that kale belongs to a complex sugar family called the raffinose family of oligosaccharides or RFO. This can lead to bloating. It is good to consume kale by discarding its stem and slicing the leaves.
Not suitable for kidney patients:
Those with kidney disease must not consume kale in excess amounts. The reason for that is that kale has potassium and that would be harmful for kidney health. The oxalate and potassium content present in kale would make intake of kale dangerous for those with chronic kidney disease.
Not suitable for patients on blood thinners:
Certain persons consume blood thinning drugs for the sake of their health. Bitter fact is that these persons must not eat kale in excess amounts and it would counteract the effect of blood thinners. It is learnt that persons taking warfarin or blood thinning drugs must maintain consistent vitamin K if necessary. Point is that fluctuation can interfere with the effectiveness of medications. Blood clots could occur when sudden increase in vitamin K intake would counteract the anticoagulant effects.
Not suitable for thyroid patients:
Not many of us know that kale has got substances like thallogens and goitrogens etc. Truth is that thallium is a heavy metal and is harmful to humans in excess or large quantities. . Goitrogens could interfere with thyroid functions.