How many are aware of what stress fractures are?

In some persons, tiny cracks would take place in their bones due to repetitive stress (after doing strenuous workouts etc) and this is termed as stress fracture. This occurs mostly in the athletes, dancers, runners etc and in those with sudden activity increase. If not treated, the stress fracture could worsen, Please take care and don`t ignore it.

 Important reasons for stress fractures are

Over use of repetitive impact:

There are more chances of getting stress fractures in high impact sports lime running, gymnastics etc that would put more pressure on the bones leading to fractures.

Sudden increase in activity:

The bones in us would find it difficult to cope up with the sudden increased load if we start running long distances or exercising more frequently.

Presence of weak bones:

Absence of calcium and vitamin D could weaken the bones in us. As a result the bones would become more susceptible for fractures.

Improper footwear ad hard surfaces:

The stress on the bones would increase if we do exercises in unsupportive shoes or on hard surfaces etc. Please be careful.

Muscle fatigue:

The muscles might become too tired to absorb the shock properly, then excess force would transform to the bones leading to stress fractures.

Signs and symptoms of stress fractures:

Persons with stress fractures would show swelling around the affected portion plus mild bruising and pain that would worsen if ignored.

Healing and Treatments:

Taking full rest:

Those with stress fractures must take complete rest, By this, stress on the affected part would get reduced.

Wearing brace etc:

Wearing a brace or walking boot would be recommended by the doctor basesed on the severity of stress fracture.

Improve nutrition:

It is essential to eat calcium rich foods like leafy greens and dairy products etc. Vitamin D is present in sunlight and in foods like eggs etc would help in calcium absorption.

Gradual return:

Low impact activities like swimming, cycling must be done before starting high impact sports activities etc. This gradual returning to high impact activities is important.

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