Those who are concerned about their health would know what is meant by ghee tea.  Not anymore ghee is considered as a calorie rich clarified butter. It is known to us that for many centuries ghee has been an important part in the Ayurveda.  Known for its high smoke point, ghee is ideal for cooking and it has important nutrients like vitamin A, D, E and K. Now, ghee tea has been gaining huge popularity as it can give us numerous healthy benefits when consumed. It must be noted that ghee tea is a combination of tea with a spoon of ghee.

Several health benefits of drinking ghee tea are

Provides steady energy:

It is worthy to note that by drinking ghee tea we could have superb energy throughout the day. This is due to the presence of healthy fats in it.  We would feel full for a longer duration due to these healthy fats and by this we could avoid cravings for snacks etc and would have energy for a longer time.

Good for digestion:

Those with constipation or other digestion based issues would get huge relief by drinking ghee tea. It is believed that the butyric acid present in the ghee would ease the digestion and gut health would be good.

Provides glowing skin:

The presence of various vitamins in ghee tea would help our skin to glow. It must be taken into note that these vitamins would hydrate and rejuvenate the skin and make it glow.

Controls blood sugar levels:

It is believed that a cup of ghee tea would keep the blood sugar levels steady. Those with diabetes would benefit from this.

Boosts metabolism:

Our metabolic function would get enhanced by drinking ghee tea. It is learnt that a combination of caffeine from tea and healthy fats from ghee could stimulate metabolism.

Helps in weight loss:

Point to be noted is that drinking ghee tea would keep us full and we would not eat unnecessarily. By this there would be weight loss in us.

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