According to a study published in Frontiers journal, it was confirmed that the prevalence of Parkinson`s Disease or PD across the globe was 150 percent. Shocking but true!!
Parkinson`s disease refers to a progressive disorder that affects the nervous system of a person. Various factors that can cause this disease in us are environment exposure, genetics and ageing etc. It is noteworthy that the early signs of PD can be easily overlooked by us.
Those persons with PD would show several early signs like
Mood changes:
It must be noted that changes in mood, especially increased feelings of depression and anxiety, could precede motor symptoms of PD by many years. Point is that those with PD would show mood disorders before the symptoms start appearing in them .The changes in the brain chemistry affecting neurotransmitters would be responsible for this.
Gastrointestinal issues like constipation:
Having constipation could also be an early indicator for PD. Many years before other symptoms could develop, constipation could occur and this was published in the JAMA Neurology journal. The nerves present in the GI tract would degenerate due to PD. It is necessary to keep an eye on the digestive health especially in the older adults.
Subtle changes in walking & movement:
Other important signs of PD could be subtle changes in walking and movement. Persons would walk with reduced arm swing on one side, slight dragging of foot etc. These subtle changes could appear many years before the actual motor symptoms like tremors would appear.
Unnoticeable tremors:
Point to be noted is that tremors could begin subtly starting in one hand or leg and the tremors are seen especially when the limb is at rest. It is true that early change in tremors would be difficult to identify unless observed carefully.
Changes in speech & writing:
Persons would have softer, slurring voices as PD could affect the muscles that are used for speaking and writing. Known as dysarthria, these changes would develop slowly. Mostly, these changes are overlooked as stress or ageing.

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